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Helping You Catch That ‘Big Fish’ Client

Every agency wants to attract more clients. It’s the lifeblood of our existence. Simply put: clients pay the bills....

Every agency wants to attract more clients. It’s the lifeblood of our existence. Simply put: clients pay the bills. No clients? No more business. Period. As much as anyone would take “any” client, it’s important that when trying to...

Every agency wants to attract more clients. It’s the lifeblood of our existence. Simply put: clients pay the bills. No clients? No more business. Period. As much as anyone would take “any” client, it’s important that when trying to make strides in this business, to set your sights on attracting the more high-end clients (aka: the big fish). Define...

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Branded Video Ideas That May Just Separate Your Brand From the Rest

Branded Video is all about creativity. When initiating the early creative stages, you’ll want to ensure that your brand...

Branded Video is all about creativity. When initiating the early creative stages, you’ll want to ensure that your brand is being presented in a way that informs and entertains, and that isn’t necessarily as easy as it may seem....

Branded Video is all about creativity. When initiating the early creative stages, you’ll want to ensure that your brand is being presented in a way that informs and entertains, and that isn’t necessarily as easy as it may seem. We’ve got some ideas to help spark your creative minds, and as always, we here at CMG Media are happy...

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Video Marketing Payoff: What Your Business Stands to Gain

Video marketing increases sales and leads. If you’re not using video marketing, you’re losing customers to those who do....

Video marketing increases sales and leads. If you’re not using video marketing, you’re losing customers to those who do. Businesses that incorporate video marketing into their overall marketing strategy see higher engagement rates, higher click-through rates and higher conversion...

Video marketing increases sales and leads. If you’re not using video marketing, you’re losing customers to those who do. Businesses that incorporate video marketing into their overall marketing strategy see higher engagement rates, higher click-through rates and higher conversion rate. Why would you leave all that value sitting on the table? Effective video marketing has to be engaging right...

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Leveraging the ‘Selfie’ Phenomenon In Your Marketing Plan

Last week, we highlighted some key examples of how both brands and celebrities are using ‘selfie campaigns’ as a...

Last week, we highlighted some key examples of how both brands and celebrities are using ‘selfie campaigns’ as a new and relevant way to socially engage consumers with their brand. So, how can you leverage the interest around the...

Last week, we highlighted some key examples of how both brands and celebrities are using ‘selfie campaigns’ as a new and relevant way to socially engage consumers with their brand. So, how can you leverage the interest around the selfie in your own marketing campaign? The selfie has opened up interesting opportunities for brands to market themselves online with...

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From Trend to Social Phenomenon – How Brands and Celebs Are Jumping on the Selfie Bandwagon

The ‘selfie’ – a self-portrait photograph that is typically taken with a Smartphone and then uploaded to social media....

The ‘selfie’ – a self-portrait photograph that is typically taken with a Smartphone and then uploaded to social media. Photo sharing has become part of our cultural mainstream. Thanks to smartphones with reverse-style cameras, the selfie has now caught...

The ‘selfie’ – a self-portrait photograph that is typically taken with a Smartphone and then uploaded to social media. Photo sharing has become part of our cultural mainstream. Thanks to smartphones with reverse-style cameras, the selfie has now caught on as the new full-blown ‘phenomenon’.  The popularity of the selfie simply speaks to the growing dominance of social media...

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Make Your Branded Video Stand Out From the Rest

In order to make sure that your branded video stands out above all the clutter on the web, here...

In order to make sure that your branded video stands out above all the clutter on the web, here are a few strategies that will give your videos an extra boost: Create a Campaign: To get noticed, think beyond...

In order to make sure that your branded video stands out above all the clutter on the web, here are a few strategies that will give your videos an extra boost: Create a Campaign: To get noticed, think beyond stand-alone videos.  For greater reach and exposure, create a series of content-rich videos that you publish regularly.  Not only will...

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YOUTH MARKETING INITIATIVE: Why Today’s Youth Are Big on Brands

The world is far more global and interconnected. That’s clearly an understatement. But consider how much things have changed...

The world is far more global and interconnected. That’s clearly an understatement. But consider how much things have changed since the 1960s and ‘70s. New technologies and media formats have transformed how we interact, learn, and are entertained. Family...

The world is far more global and interconnected. That’s clearly an understatement. But consider how much things have changed since the 1960s and ‘70s. New technologies and media formats have transformed how we interact, learn, and are entertained. Family dynamics have changed dramatically. So, what kind of impact have these shifts had on youth marketing? How have young people’s...

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Branded Video: Why It’s Attracting More Companies by the Day

Video Marketing is on the Rise There’s no doubt that online video marketing is on the rise. Numerous studies and...

Video Marketing is on the Rise There’s no doubt that online video marketing is on the rise. Numerous studies and statistics prove that video works.  In fact, videos are 50 times more likely to receive an organic first page ranking...

Video Marketing is on the Rise There’s no doubt that online video marketing is on the rise. Numerous studies and statistics prove that video works.  In fact, videos are 50 times more likely to receive an organic first page ranking than traditional text pages. That’s a pretty impressive stat! Online video marketing is attractive to many businesses today for numerous reasons. ...

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Millenials Will Soon Make Up 40 Percent of the Workforce

Often criticized as spoiled, impatient and, most of all, entitled, more Millennials are entering the work force, and companies...

Often criticized as spoiled, impatient and, most of all, entitled, more Millennials are entering the work force, and companies are jumping through hoops to accommodate their demands with faster promotions, greater responsibilities and more flexible work schedules, much to...

Often criticized as spoiled, impatient and, most of all, entitled, more Millennials are entering the work force, and companies are jumping through hoops to accommodate their demands with faster promotions, greater responsibilities and more flexible work schedules, much to the annoyance of older coworkers who feel they have spent years paying their dues to rise up the ranks. Millenials,...

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Email is Still an Effective Marketing Tool

Email is a far more effective way to acquire customers than all that tweeting and posting and “liking” you’re...

Email is a far more effective way to acquire customers than all that tweeting and posting and “liking” you’re doing on social media – nearly 40 times more than Facebook and Twitter combined. If you’re wondering why marketers seem...

Email is a far more effective way to acquire customers than all that tweeting and posting and “liking” you’re doing on social media – nearly 40 times more than Facebook and Twitter combined. If you’re wondering why marketers seem intent on e-mailing you more and more, there’s a simple explanation: it works. Email’s advantage holds if your goal is...

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